Dan Emert – Walla Walla, WA

Dan Emert has been playing the fiddle for over 40 years. He has placed highly in many contests around the region including Oregon State, Washington State 2017 Adult Champion, Colorado state Adult Champion, the Northwest Regionals, Western Open Junior and Adult Champion, and two National Championships at the National Oldtime Fiddler’s Contest in Weiser, Idaho (Junior in 1986 and Adult in 2006). Dan has been a clinical microbiologist for 25 years and currently resides in Walla Walla, Washington.


My philosophy on fiddling is straightforward. Technical proficiency including intonation and accuracy is extremely important, but even more essential is rhythm. As dance music, traditional fiddling must make your toes tap. You MUST find that groove to make it all work. I also prefer a variety of different tunes in different styles like Texas-style, Scottish and Irish. If it sounds good, it IS good. Play to your strengths and most importantly, HAVE FUN!!!! Have a great time  best of luck to all of this year’s contestants.